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The CEO of Derwick Associates, Alejandro Betancourt, met yesterday in Madrid with Eduardo Montes, president of the Asociación Española de la Industria Eléctrica (UNESA), to whom he mentioned his firm’s plans to study the investment opportunities in the Spanish energy sector.

In his meeting with Montes, the president of the Venezuelan firm had wanted to obtain more precise information regarding the Spanish energy sector in order to proceed with his plans for the company’s international development.

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Derwick, one of Venezuela’s leading companies in the energy sector, is preparing the launch of its Technological Turbine Centre, a repair centre that will be among the ten best in the world. According to the firm’s CEO, Alejandro Betancourt, “this centre will represent a turning point in Venezuelan innovation, and Venezuela will become one of the continent’s primary supplies of technology.”

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la implantación de servicios bancarios en África es una pieza clave para el desarrollo de un continente que a pesar de sus grandes retos presenta un inmenso potencial.

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